The 15 dramas that only a university student understands:

Anthony Pita Bodiva
3 min readMar 6, 2021

1 — You enter college thinking that you are going to live in an American film of the type “American Pie”, with a lot of Party, drink and catch the hot and beautiful girls.

2 — But, after the first exams, you realize that the college is closer to a horror movie, “in exam week” you look the same as THAT BOMB on the back street.
3 — In a short time, some drinks will become your best friends: coffee and energy drinks, Coca cola etc.
4 — Only them to accompany sleepless nights and nights studying.
5 — If you went to a public university, you got excited thinking that you would use all the money of the course in parties, your mistake.
6 — You end up using the “money” in copies, materials, going to the house of colleagues to study, making copies, even making copies on lots of papers. By the end of college, you may spend the price of a popular car on sheets of paper!
7 — Due to the lack of time and money, the base of your food becomes Bolacha, magoga, corner cookie with kitaba, yogurt, berlin ball with enough oil, etc., all kinds of junk that you find on the street.
“Hmmmmmmmmmmm, what a delight ….. rsrsrsrsrsrs
8 — And the only exercise you do is the race to not miss the Bus from 7:30 or 8:00, arrive early, take a taxi of 100kzs …. because with the crisis and INAGBE that doesn’t pay the university already does not pay 150 kz, some still have the luxury of choosing a square with Ac, but on the day of the race even in kupapata or Hallelujah they will …
9 — You will develop the ability to sleep in the most unusual places, (in the taxi, in the plastic chair, during classes) etc. lol ..
10 — Do you want the college to go on strike, or to increase the number of these scenes …
11 — There will be days on end to update all the series, enjoy the few weeks of rest if you have breaks, sleep and ask for the love of God for the classes not to return yet ..
12 — You will test all your potential persuasion with the teachers: “What does it cost to round 5 points in the grade, professor?” here it doesn’t go round, the student wants to round it goes in the middle ..
13 — And when you think you’re getting the hang of it, he appears, then the proff becomes a devil and gives you a test like those of Hell, you enter the room excitedly and leave it, wanting to kill the proff, or to give up of course, even commit suicide ..
14 -You are crazy, in the mood to set fire, in college, or turn into taliban and explode with it, and go home and never come back ..
15 — In the end, all this torture is worth it when you finally put your hands through the straw!
Don’t give up on your dreams, if you can’t fly, run … if you can’t crawl but, don’t give up on your dreams, please … to give up is to die!


